Major Group for Children and Youth

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Statement at GCM Informal Dialogue Session

Thank you Member States and other relevant stakeholders for giving us the floor. My name is Hanna Jerndal and I am speaking on behalf the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth.

To open, we wish to see an outcome in line with the New York Declaration, an outcome which is in favor of safe, orderly and regular migration - not just in words but also in global, national and local action. We support the civil society statement and its role as a stakeholder in this process.

We also want to add the following recommendations from young people:

One. All migrants.

The differentiation between irregular and regular migrants. ALL migrants are subject to international human rights law. It is necessary that the GCM assures ALL migrants access to basic services as previously stated. The GCM should refer to access to education, health care, housing and social protection for children and young migrants.

Two.  Age-responsive migration.

We urge you to recognize the necessity of age-responsive migration policies, as the needs and possibilities of children, youth, adults, and seniors are different. Therefore, we ask you to replace age-sensitive with age-responsive.

Three. Youth unemployment.

We welcome the reference of addressing youth unemployment, but from our consultations, the urgent need for global actions on climate change in line with the Agenda 2030 and the Sendai Framework has been defined as a keypoint. To acknowledge the close interlinkage between climate change and migration to prevent even bigger migration challenges in the near future.

Finally, in previous phases the process failed to include meaningful children and youth participation.

As rights-holders, peace-builders, and potential migrants, the Global Compact for Migration will not be possible without the contributions of young people.

Echoing a statement made yesterday by Ms. Louise Arbour calling for the opening of this process to the rest of the world, we recommend clear and transparent modalities of engagement including those that refer to the Major Groups and other Stakeholders in implementation, follow-up and review.  Children and Youth are among these important stakeholders. Thank you.