COVID-19 Infographics

Location: United Kingdom

We’re a UK-based team of doctors, medical students, and volunteers who have created simple infographics about Covid-19 in 25+ languages including Urdu, Polish, Gujarati, Yoruba, Arabic, Hebrew, Sorani Kurdish and a number of South Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Eastern European languages.

Why? Because people from black, Asian, minority and ethnic (BAME) communities are being disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and we felt a responsibility to help provide easy-to-understand, reliable information in people’s own languages. What started off as a project to support the British Tamil community, with reliable health information in their language, has come leaps and bounds. We now have several infographics in more than 25 languages and we are continuing to create other content to help provide BAME communities with health information.

The information in the infographics is sourced entirely from NHS England, the WHO, and NICE websites and we always provide references. Our work is checked over by doctors for quality assurance purposes and information is translated into other languages by a team of reliable translators through volunteers and services such as Translators Without Borders. Covid-19 Infographics goal is to provide community-driven health information in people's own languages.

We're aiming to:

  • Educate those from BAME communities for whom clear, concise, and easy-to-understand information may not be readily accessible in their own languages.

  • Tackle misinformation around COVID-19 (no lemon in hot water is not a cure)!

  • Increase awareness about healthcare inequities, we all deserve a fair and equal quality of care!

We’ve received great support through our Facebook page and website. To ensure that our work is reaching the people that it the most, we’ve been working with community members and organizations who have helped us co-ordinate outreach and distribute our work to their communities. A few examples of organizations that we’ve partnered with include Refugee Support Network, Students for Global Health, Melanin Medics, Translators Without Borders, and Doctors of the World. On our website, it is really easy to view, download, and share infographics with friends, families, and communities.



Our work isn't over, and we need help to ensure that our infographics are reaching the people that need it the most! We’re looking for more COMMUNITY AMBASSADORS and ORGANIZATIONS to help us distribute our work to their communities. If you would like to provide your community with reliable, easy-to-understand health information about Covid-19 in your own language, please send us an email at

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